Below is an e-mail sent to me by a Russian woman who claimed that her daughter was dying and she needed money for an operation. Below is our correspondence. Her e-mails have the tan backgrounds, my replies have the blue backgrounds. The initial letter is long but worth a skim. Apparently, "65000 dollars is the price of life Nasty."
One more note: the best e-mail from the russians is the last one at the bottom after I tried to send them to a neighboring town to look for a western union.
Dear, replay please on sorry for my English
I, mum Nastya Gontarovski, address to you with the request to help to rescue my unique daughter, which in Odessa in May, 2004 And (15 years) have put the terrible diagnosis - a malignant tumour of soft fabrics a ssarcoma. (Foto my dauther now) It Nastya - up to illness (14 years, November 2002 and May 2003) and during illness (16 years, May 2005).
Already some times we had to hear, that efforts in our situation are useless, that at such diagnosis and development of a tumour people do not survive, that it is a verdict. In a word to describe all horror lived it is impossible, such words simply do not exist
But contrary to all we with the husband could not reconcile to it and continued to struggle together with Nasty IN SPITE OF ON ANYTHING.
Nasty as it is persistent, as studied with distinction at school of 84. Odessas (which and has not finished) as studied foreign languages - STRUGGLES With THIS NOT CHILDREN'S ILLNESS. In spite of on anything Nasty continues to study foreign languages. She freely knows French (already being the patient in 15 years has protected full diploma DELF of the Ministry of Education of France), speaks in English, has diplomas and letters from the first on the third place for participation in city and regional Olympiads on English and French to languages.
WE BEGAN TO WIN THIS TERRIBLE ILLNESS. Nasty has gone through one heavy operation in Kiev, then the hardest 11-hour operation in Peter carried out by a brigade of surgeons led by professor Tarasovym, of 2 operations on removal a metastasis in easy, beam therapy both 12 chemical terapie. And illness has receded. Doctors did not expect such result, they were struck.
But what price gives this victory (we are convinced that it undoubtedly a victory)! Through what tests we have passed! What money resources it costed to us! Now we with Nasty are in special children's branch of oncology in Saint Petersburg in 31 hospital which is headed by professor Belogurov.
We in Peter you see foreigners and to us it is necessary to pay for all: and for a finding in hospital Nasti and me - monthly about 5500 dollars. USA, for medicines and for treatment still about 1000 - 1500 dollars. USA, let alone a feed and other operational expenditure (and so each month, and in Peter we since September 2004). The husband how many can gets money to treatment, friends have very much helped us. But the ice Crust you see still it is necessary to continue treatment in Peter completely to recover. But how many it can borrow time - month four, six or more. We do not know. After last research three centers still remains and if the chemistry completely will not possible to clean bad cells it is necessary to perform operation. And doctors have told, that on Ukraine or in Russia operation can not make, therefore in this case it is necessary to operate abroad. Cost of operation approximately can make about 65000 dollars is the price of life Nasty. We ask the God that has done without operation, but in too time we should be ready to her in any case.
About Nasty pages in the Internet are open. On a site , on a site the Person and his belief , there are also other pages in the Internet. Go on these pages and you learn why we were compelled to carry out treatment not at us in Odessa or Kiev, and in Peter in Russia.
There were also publications in press: the Moscow news 39 for 2005 , Business St. Petersburg from October, 11, 2005 .
Due to pages on these sites and to publications about the ice Crust to us the help began to act, but nevertheless it is not enough of it to pass treatment completely, to win illness up to the end. Therefore I address to all to whom destiny Nasty is not indifferent, HELP TO CURE Nastya COMPLETELY FROM THIS ILLNESS. YOU SEE THIS ILLNESS FATAL And IF NOT TO CURE COMPLETELY,
I am so sad to hear about your daughter! My wife and I want to assist you. How can we help??
Good day, Fielding.
If you can help, here is our account. Many thanks
Intermediary: SWIFT: IRVT US 3N THE BANK OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK, USA ACC/NO. 890-0372-664
TO BENEFICIARYS ACCOUNT: ACC/NO. 30301840200450000017
DETAILS OF PAYMENT: Ekaterina Sorokina
ACC/NO 40817840300171000019
You can also send fund from Western Union
town - Yoshkar-Ola (Russia)
receiver - Nastya Nam
Hello, I went to my bank this morning and asked to deposit $2000 in this account but they told me I could not do it. They said they did not have access to that account.
Also, what is Western Union? We have a Western United Steakhouse in our town, but nothing called "Western Union".
Please explain how to send the money. We want to help so much.
Good day, Fielding.
In banks you should have system of transaction Western Union At filling it will be necessary to specify the data:
town - Yoshkar-Ola (Russia)
receiver - Nastya Nam
Please, as will send inform us number of translation, a name of the sender, the sum and the country.
Huge to you thank, you very good people site of Western Union
We went to and tried to deposit $2000 in the account number you gave us: 890-0372-664
But it gave us an error. We tried the other account numbers you gave us but it didn't seem to work. Please explain to us how to use this website.
We hope we are not too late to help your daughter!
Good day, Fielding.
Western Union is a system of remittances worldwide. It is enough to you to come in any office WU in yours city, to fill in the form. While translating through Western Union it is not necessary to specify number of the account. There it is necessary to specify city of the addressee and a name of the addressee.
In this case:
town - Yoshkar-Ola (Russia)
receiver - Nastya Nam
Through a site I do not know as to send. There there is a phone number, call, they will explain everyone to you.
Thank you big!
We rushed to Western Union this morning to try and send the money. We gave them the name and town information that you sent. There was a problem though. Because of September 11th, our state does not allow money transfers to certain countries without permission from the Attourney General.
We have a good idea though! We might be able to drive across the border to Kansas and send the money from there. I think that might work. We can't do this for a couple days though.
We know that you need the money very soon. Please explain how we can directly transfer the money into one of the bank accounts you gave us. We are ready to do that today!
It is so frustrating to sit here with $2000 that we want to send to you so badly.
How is your daughter? Is she still holding on?
Good day, Fielding.
The daughter while keeps! Thank you. We in a condition to wait for 2 days while you can send money through Western Union. And you try to issue by phone translation. I heard it at you probably. A body the background on a site probably is.
We gave you the account for remittance through interbank translation. For example from your account on ours.
Please explain to us step-by-step how to do a remittance through interbank translation. We do not understand how to do this. We are not very good at these high finance concepts.
I am glad your daughter is holding on. We are praying for her!
Hello! How are you doing?
You will try to make translation through Wstern Union? When to wait for messages?
Thank you for all... We are grateful to you with all my heart
We drove today all the way to Kansas to send you $2000. We asked them to send it to the town of Yosnkar-Ola in Russia, but they said they could not find it. Is this the right town?
Editor's Note: I purposefully misspelled their town
Good day, Fielding.
town - Yoshkar-Ola
Please try to send money this week. Because in four days, Nastya is necessary conduct on operation
Please check up the information:
1. City - Yoshkar-Ola
2. The addressee - Nastya Nam
As will send send to me on e-mail:
1. A full name of the sender
2. City of the sender
3. The sum
4. Number of translation.
THANK you big for patience..
My wife is very confused now. She thinks that this town is in Belarus. I think it is in Russia. Which country do we tell Western Union?
Yoshkar-Ola is in Russia
reciever - Nastya Nam
We tried to use Western Union again but we are still having problems. They asked for two forms of ID but my wife and I each only had one.
How do we do a bank transfer?
Please tell us soon. We want to help your daughter so much. We pray it is not too late!
What ID? I do not understand.
Can try through your friends to make translation? This money as soon as possible are necessary for us, differently we can be late :-( we consider on them.
l not turn out any more. Translation will go week. And Nastya it is necessary conduct on operation in 4-5 days.
I very much ask you try to send money with the help of friends. Western Union is the fastest that it is possible to find in the given situation.
It is possible to try through electronic payment systems - e-gold. But it too is problematic!
Very much we hope that you can send us money. They are now very necessary!
Please try to send money from Western Union on-line
Receiver's first name : Nastya
Receiver's last name : Nam
City : Yoshkar-Ola
Coutry - Russia - please read about this system. Have you it in your town??
Please do not throw us. If you have children that understand as difficultly to us now, knowing that our daughter can die at any moment:-(
We still had 2-4 days. We could collect only 48000 $ instead of 65000 $ so your monetary help is simply necessary for us.
Very much you I ask try to make translation through Contact or Western Union . Because through bank money go 7-14 days. We do not have so much time to wait.
We went to but it is all in Russian and we do not understand Russian. Please explain to us how to use this site. We want to send you the money very quickly.
We hope your daughter is holding on!
Please, go on Points where you can transfer Money to Russia,840 The data for transfer: town - Yoshkar-Ola (Russia) receiver - Nastya Num To send money You should:
apply to a bank-participant of the CONTACT network and chose a country, city and bank/company where money will be paid out to a Recipient. present valid identification document.
bank teller shall help to fill in an application form and assign a unique transfer number.
pay principal amount and commission in cash and Recipient may be paid out in several hours but not later than the next day. notify a Recipient about an address of the bank where he may be paid out as well as about the amount and the unique transfer number. Recipient will receive the full amount of transfer without paying any fees.
We have great news!! We went to Western Union again and sent you the money! We sent $2000, and the fees were not even that high.
Please let us know that you have received the money!
Good day, Fielding.
We so are glad! Thank you big from the bottom of the heart!
Inform us please: 1. Full name of the sender 2. The exact sum of translation 3. And control number (MTCN) 10 figures
Here are the answers to your questions:
1. Fielding Melish 2. $2000 USD 3. 8351
Please let us know how your daughter is doing!
Good day, Fielding.
You sent through Western Union??
MTCN number consist of 10 figures! please write us...
The daughter keeps.. To her it is terrible before operation but on fastens!
For your convenience you can use our website to track your money transfer online. Simply fill out the form below, and click Check Status to find out if the money has been sent and picked up.
Please send us this:
Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN) : The MTCN is the 10-digit number located on your confirmation receipt.
Sender's Name :
First Name
Last Name
My goodness! I sent you the wrong number. Here is the confirmation number we have:
Please let me know if this is correct. We are praying for your daughter!
No. It not true number!
Look on
Write there the data and look
You have precisely made translation? We went to bank there on Nastya Nam there is no translation.:-(
Oh this is terrible!
We called up Western Union and they do not have a record of the transaction. We are going to go down to the office right now with our receipt and ask them what is going on.
We are sorry about this. We are just simple mountain-folk and do not know much about banking. We want to help your daughter so much.
Do you have a picture of her? We would like one.
We will fix the problem as soon as possible. The Western Union man said that their system has been slow. Please check the banmk again in a few hours.
Let us know if the problem is fixed!
Thank you big!
As learn all in bank, send us number of translation. Also try to check up through site Western Union
If not difficultly that send us please scan receipts. So it will be easier to us in bank.
I send to you a photo of our daughter now.
The man at Western Union said that the money may have been sent to their office in a town called "Danilovo". Have you heard of this town?
Please check if the money is there.
Much Thanks,
Good day, Fielding.
For name Nastay Nam there is no translation! Send us correct number of translation and a correct name of the sender. That I could look through a site and quietly go in Western Union. Or send the scanned receipt please.
Give please the full information. Time it is lost:-(
You scoff? If you have sent us money simply write number and a name of the sender. That you have sent the data earlier not correct. We have persuaded the girl in bank to look translations on NASTYA NAM - such in general are not present. You have told that called in bank and to you have told that they do not have such translation. You went? What have they told? What for you torment us? The city at all has no value, the main thing is the country and a name of the addressee. And yours MTCN
Please, send us the information or the scanned receipt with which you went in WESTERN UNION!
To check up translation it is possible here -